The following has been approved by a vote of the USLR membership as the Lipizzan Breed Standard.

This information is for educational purposes only.

Definition of outward appearance

Among the different breeds, the Lipizzan has an exclusive

position. This cultural breed is considered to be the most

ancient in Europe. As a parade horse, the Lipizzan shows

nobleness, expression, and talent for dressage and carriage.

He must have a moderate nature (well-balanced) and a

good character. The body is rectangular and the ideal

height is between 155 and 158 cm* at the withers. The

traditional grey colour is dominant.

A) Type

Both the riding and driving horse type are accepted in

Lipizzan breed. Both should be judged within its special

character, extremes should be disliked. The subconvex

profile throughout the body with rounded outlines is typical

for the breed.

B) Height

Average height, to be measured at the withers, is for males

155-158 cm. at the age of 6. It must be perfected and

pointed out by scientific approach. Bigger or smaller horses

must be harmonious in extra good breed character.

C) Colour

The grey colour is dominant. Brown and black occur and

should remain, all other colours are disliked.

D) Attitude

A natural ability for concentration with a great disposition for

collected work in High School and/or large endurance for

riding and driving work.

E) Movements

Proud and elevated action. Long, elegant and in complete

balance in walk, trot and canter.

F) Head

Well proportioned, of medium length, narrow and dry, with

not too pronounced lower jaw and the cheek inclined to be

round. A slightly convex profile belongs to the breed

character, the too fine (Arabic) and the too convex (ram

head) should occur only in low frequency. The eyes intend to

be large and dark, expressive and confident, the ears are of

medium length, fine and expressive.

G) Neck

Medium length, arched with a narrow mainline, the junction

between head and neck is not too narrow, the neck is deep

in the base and well inserted between the shoulders, rising

up from the withers without interruption.

H) Withers

Well developed and long, not well expressed, with a smooth

transition from the back to the neck, always higher than the


I) Chest

Of medium size, deep and muscular.

J) Ribcage

Well developed, deep and not too long, with ribs obliquely

arched into the joint with the spinal column.

K) Shoulder

Should be long, sloping and well muscled.

L) Back

Well defined and tending towards the horizontal, making a

smooth union between withers and loins.

M) Loins

Short, wide, muscular, slightly convex, well connected with

the back and croup, with which they form a continuous

harmonious line.

N) Croup

Strong and rounded, well muscled and balanced, slightly

sloping, the length must not be shorter than the width, the

profile convex and harmonious, with the point of the hip not

too pronounced. The tail must not be set too deep, with

long and silky hair.

O) Legs

The legs are well muscled, with regular angles. The joints

well proportioned and dry. The upper arm straight and

muscular. The cannons are not too long. The fetlocks are

dry, with very little hair. The pasterns are of medium length

and regularly angled.

P) Hooves

The hooves are hard, of good quality, well defined and


Q) Temperament and Character

Noble, generous and ardent, but always gentle, friendly,

willing to work, able to bear pressure and directed to men.

2.54 cm. = 1" AND 10.16 cm. = 4" (one hand)

*155 cm. = 61.02" or 15h1"

*158 cm. = 62.20" or 15h2"

Rev. 4/20/06